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JR西日本 特急やくも

YAKUMO Limited Express, JR West
YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車



copyright (C) Yasuyuki KAWANISHI + ICHIBANSEN / nextstations all rights reserved.



copyright (C) Yasuyuki KAWANISHI + ICHIBANSEN / nextstations all rights reserved.

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車



image by JR west

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急�型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

YAKUMO JR西日本 273系特急型電車

The main Intercity train for San-in

The YAKUMO is a limited express train service in Japan operated by West Japan Railway Company (JR West), which runnings from Okayama Prefecture to Yonago in Tottori Prefecture, and Matsue and Izumo in Shimane Prefecture.  The train is anThis intercity express train that runs 30 trains daily. It is a pendulum-type train 273 series train that travels at 120 km/h speed through mountainous areas. With a three-hour travel time, it offers Green Car (first-class) and ordinary seats and provides passengers with various ways to spend their time and enjoy different places. It meets multiple needs such as semi-compartments for families and free space for a change of pace.

The train, As a symbol of the region, it is clad in a bronze metallic color exterior, is a symbol of the region and has a durability of over 40 years. Thise design project was not decided by the designer alone, but the design was created together with passengers and the JR West employees. Since operations Within the started of operation, the number of passengers increased by 30%, making it one of the most popular trains in Japan.

The train's name, "YAKUMO," means "springing clouds" in Japanese, and it. This train services in a the historic region of Japan, spanning from Okayama to Izumo. The Izumo area has had interacted with and technical exchanged technologiess with Korea, China and other Adsian countries from since before the Common Eraancient times and is the region where iron-making technology was first developed in Japan. The train’s design reflects the colors and culture of the areas along the line, including classical iron-making and beautiful nature.

Besides the We did NOT just design of the trains, BUT expanded the branding was extended of to the entire area along the line, with the aim ofing to expanding the scope of this design work beyond from individual points but rather connecting them into and lines to and surfaces, including stations, lounges, and the service and hospitality provided by crew members.


service: Okayama, Yonago, Matsue and Izumo

start operation: 6 April 2024
designer: Yasuyuki KAWANISHI + Ryosuke SATO ICHIBANSEN/nextstations

collaborate with Kinki Sharyo design






事業主: 西日本旅客鉄道株式会社(JR西日本)



デザイン:株式会社イチバンセン + 近畿車輛株式会社

     (担当:川西 康之 + 佐藤 亮介)

受賞歴: 国土交通省 日本鉄道賞「日本鉄道大賞」

     グッドデザイン賞2024 BEST 100

     DFA アジアデザイン賞2024 銀賞

     iFデザイン賞2024 ファイナリスト

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